4 ways to close gaps between teeth without braces

Who Else Wants Non-Braces Solutions to Close The Gap Between Your Teeth?

Dr. B. Kanagasabapathy
Dr. B. Kanagasabapathy

[M.D.S. (Ortho), Fellow ICOI]

June 04,2021

Gaps in front teeth will ruin your smile aesthetics. Orthodontic treatment is the first choice for many people who want to streamline their smile design. In the meantime, certain people do not prefer braces as it is quite tedious and expensive. This post is for those people who are looking for alternate solutions for filling gaps in their front teeth.

Besides teeth braces, orthodontists recommend various cosmetic appliances to reduce the gap between teeth. Braces treatment is not the ideal correctional measure to close all gaps in teeth. Orthodontists recommend a suitable solution after identifying how the gaps formed.

How to Fix Teeth Gap Without Braces?

Here is the list of non-braces options to fix your teeth gap that are prevalent in today’s dentistry.

1) Dental Bonding

If you have small gaps or want a quick fix for gapped teeth, composite bonding will be the best solution for you.

It is a simple cosmetic dental procedure in which a tooth-colored composite resin is glued over the tooth that has localized space. The bonding is then hardened using a special light. 

Once the material hardens, the dentist will trim and polish the resin to match the rest of the tooth surfaces. Usually, this dental bonding procedure is completed in 1 or 2 dental visits.

Despite the dental bonding is highly effective and stain-resistant, it will not last long.

2) Dental Veneers

Dental Veneer is a thin, tooth-colored shell made up of porcelain or other composite materials and is applied over the tooth’s outer surface. Before attaching the porcelain, a small portion of the tooth’s enamel has to be removed.


It is widely recommended to fix various cosmetic issues like stains, chips or cracks, shrunk appearance of teeth, etc.

Porcelain veneers are resistant to stains, withstand your chewing force to a great extent and they are highly durable when compared to composite resins.

3) Dental Aligners

Dental Aligner is a highly effective solution, especially when it comes to filling the gaps. 

Using aligners, you can straighten your teeth in a simple and fastest way. They are transparent teeth clips made of special material that is designed to perfectly straighten your teeth. Unlike traditional metal braces, they are painless, cozy, and portable.

Also, they help restore your perfect smile by improving overall oral health by correcting dental issues such as gaps between teeth, misaligned teeth, crooked teeth, and biting problems.

Most dentists recommend that wearing aligners for three to six months can fix your gaps and prevent new ones from developing. 

4) Teeth Gap Bands

These are teeth bands that need to be placed around the teeth where the gap exists. It is one of the affordable ways to push the teeth to fill gaps. The only thing you should do is wear the band for at least 12 hours a day. It delivers the desired appearance you want in a short period. Meanwhile, the treatment duration varies per the gap size as well.

Bottom line

Mostly, gapped teeth happen with the arch length that should be treated orthodontically (i.e.) with teeth braces. Meanwhile, you have plenty of options to close such gaps between the teeth. Contact our orthodontists to know more about such non-braces solutions.

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