What Causes Bumps on Lips and How Do We Cure It?
Do you notice pimple-like spots on your lips?
Pimple-like bumps on your lips could be due to an allergic reaction to certain foods or irritants. Other causes might include infections, clogged pores, or hormonal changes.
Many people overlook these lip bumps, thinking they are common and harmless. However, this is not always the case. While many lip bumps are benign, some can be linked to more serious conditions. These bumps may result from allergic reactions, specific infections, or skin diseases.
In this article, we will briefly explain the possible causes, diagnosis, treatment procedures, and home remedies for dealing with these small bumps on lips.
Lip bumps can manifest in various forms, such as acne, blisters, sores, redness, and white cysts. Some of the possible causes of these swollen bumps on lips include:
- Oral Thrush – It is a fungal infection that occurs in the soft tissues of your mouth, such as your lips, cheeks, and tongue. The fungus Candida albicans is the main cause of oral thrush, leading to white patches and redness on the fleshy areas of the mouth when the fungus overgrows.
- Syphilis – Syphilis is a bacterial infection that occurs in the genitals. In certain cases, syphilis happens in the mouth. It exhibits mild discomfort in the initial stage and requires timely treatments; otherwise, it leads to serious problems.
- Milia – A white cyst that develops on the skin commonly occurs on the chin, cheeks, mouth linings, and lips. It forms due to the accumulation of dead cells inside a pocket on the skin’s surface. This condition is harmless and does not require medical treatment, as it heals on its own.
- Mucoceles – It happens with the blockage of salivary glands. Sometimes, it occurs with biting the lips accidentally. However, it is not a harmful condition and goes on its own.
- Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) – It is a viral infectious condition that is common in children under 5 years. It exhibits various discomforts like appetite loss, rash on fingers, soreness and red spots in mouth, etc.
- Perioral Dermatitis – This is a skin condition similar to rash and it frequently occurs around the mouth. It has been found it occurs with the allergic reactions triggered with certain cosmetic appliances and toothpaste containing fluoride for some people.
- Oral Cancer – In rare cases, lip bumps are occurred because of oral cancer. They occur because of the tumor growth on lips and mouth linings.
Besides these, certain other factors that trigger swollen bumps on lips include allergic reactions, lip dryness, oral herpes, canker sores, sunburn, and stress.
Should I See a Doctor?
As mentioned earlier, the bumps over the lips heal over time. If the bumps occurred as a side effect of any existing disorders, consult your doctor to cure the dilemma.
Meanwhile, seek dental support when the bumps do not heal for a long time and when you encounter the following troubles following the bump on your lips:
- Bleeding on the lips
- Sudden swelling in the lips
- Jaw swelling
- Numbness in the tongue
- Difficulties in breathing
- Broaden bumps
How are bumps on lips diagnosed?
Diagnosing the root cause of lip bumps includes analyzing the medical history to detect whether the problem occurs because of medications, hereditary problems, allergens or other factors. In certain cases, blood tests, MRI Scanning, testing the skin cells are necessary for diagnosis.
When you consult the dentist, he will inquire about your exposure to any allergens, smoking, sun exposure, new medications, or other risk factors for lip bumps.
Then he will do a physical examination to diagnose the bumps, and you may also be asked about when you first noticed them and how painful they are.
They may recommend further tests if it needs a crucial intervention, such as:
- taking a blood test to identify the virus or bacteria
- testing for cancer in the skin cells (through a biopsy)
- imaging with an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI to look at the mouth and jaw for any abnormalities.
Treatment Options Available to Cure Bumps on Lips
The procedures to treat swollen bumps on lips vary depending on the cause. Here are the most commonly prescribed treatments:
- Antiviral medications, Antifungal medications are suggested if the problem arises due to infectious conditions.
- If the bumps occurred due to allergic reactions or inflammatory conditions, then antihistamine medications will fix the issues.
- Pain killers, over the counter medications, creams are recommended if the bump on lips happen with oral problems like canker sores.
Advanced techniques like electrosurgery or laser treatments are also utilized if the underlying cause is more complex.
Home Remedies For Lip Bumps
Cold Compress: Apply a cold compress to the lips to reduce swelling and numb the pain. Wrap an ice pack or a cold cloth in a towel and hold it against your lips for a few minutes.
Honey: Dab a small amount of honey on the bumps or blisters. Honey has natural antibacterial properties and can help speed up the healing process while keeping the area moisturized.
Salt Water Rinse: Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with it. Saltwater can help cleanse the affected area, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.
Good Oral Hygiene Practices: Brush your teeth gently at least twice a day to maintain oral hygiene to prevent infections.
Bottom line
Lip bumps are harmless in most cases, and they will go away by themselves. Meanwhile, a bump on your lip might be a warning sign of any serious problem if the pimple-like lesion exists for many days.
You should consult a dentist or your doctor if they do not go away in a couple of weeks or develop along with other bothersome symptoms. Apart from treatments and home remedies, you should follow proper oral hygiene practices and certain self-care measures recommended by dentists.