Why Do You Have Swollen Gums with Braces?
Wearing teeth braces is the best way to solve the variety of issues brought on by dental misalignment. Plus, correctly aligned teeth improve the smile dramatically. Conversely, there will be some discomforts along the orthodontic journey. You should endure them to achieve the dazzling smile you want.
If you had worn orthodontic braces earlier, you would have noticed inflammation in the gums throughout the treatment. Right?
Having inflammation in the gums while wearing braces is a typical thing. You don’t need to be afraid of it. Keep reading to know what our Orthodontists have told about having swollen gums with braces.
Why do gums swell up when you get braces?
Puffy gums are a common consequence of wearing braces because the appliance constantly gets in touch with the gum tissues. Meanwhile, various factors get partnered with this and tend to develop inflammation in gums. The following are the most significant:
1) Teeth Movement
As the brace applies constant pressure, the teeth start to move to their position. The teeth shifting provokes soreness in the gums. Likely, it occurs after the braces are tightened periodically. It means the changes in the position of teeth and jaw bone create soreness in the gums and are followed by mild pain and inflammation in the gums.
In simply, gum swelling during orthodontic treatments shows that the teeth are moving toward their allocated position in the jaw bone.
2) Infection in gums
Food crumbs stick to the brackets, archwire, and can get lodged between the appliance and teeth when wearing braces. Moreover, you might feel hard to brush and floss while wearing dental braces. It leads to the piling up of food debris, and oral microbes on teeth around the gum margins.
In most cases, infection in gums starts with plaque stagnation. It exhibits symptoms like redness, pain, and swelling in the gums.
3) Gum Overgrowth
In certain circumstances, frequent rubbing of braces against the gums irritates and inflames the gums. As a consequence, the gingival tissues start to grow excessively. This condition is clinically known as Gingival Hyperplasia.
We have seen many patients whose gums become swollen during orthodontic treatments due to the overgrowth of gum tissues. Likely, some people develop this problem as a side effect of medications they are taking, and is accelerated by their teeth straightening braces.
4) Pregnancy Gingivitis
Every woman encounters a lot of difficulties when they are pregnant. It is because of the hormonal changes that happen inside their bodies during pregnancy. This reflects in their oral cavity as well, especially the gums. Periodontal experts reveal that the gums of women become more prone to plaque, pain, soreness, and inflammation when they are conceived.
If a woman wears teeth straightening braces in her gestation period, she is more likely to develop swollen gums. It is a consequence of the braces rubbing against the gums as well as hormonal changes.
What should you do to reduce gum inflammation while wearing braces?
Even though swelling in gums during teeth straightening treatment is inevitable, there are a number of ways to minimize the swelling and stop it from getting worse. Here are the three ways we advise our patients to get rid of this problem:
- Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly – As discussed earlier, plaque stagnation is one of the factors behind swollen gums. So you should clear away such depositions as much as you can. Likely, you should keep the space between teeth and brackets clean. Even though it is hard to brush and floss with braces, you have specially designed tools such as interdental brushes, floss threads, water picks, etc.
- Rinse your mouth after brushing – Gargling your mouth with antibacterial mouthwashes tend to keep your mouth clean and germs-free. Moreover, it eases the particle’s grip so you can easily eliminate the particles lodged between the teeth and brackets.
- Get orthodontic cleanings regularly – Similar to the periodic adjustments of braces, it is vital to get regular cleanings from your orthodontist to remove the particles that cannot be eliminated with brushing and flossing.
Bottom line
Orthodontic treatment aims to provide a healthy smile but the brace wearers must deal with mild difficulties that come with the teeth straighteners. Puffy gum is an instance. If you notice it pains more and persistently, consult your orthodontist immediately.