Why Does the Skin Inside of Your Mouth Peel?
Do you notice any skin peeling inside your mouth or oral mucosal peeling off in your mouth?
The causes of skin peeling inside the mouth can vary. Peeling inside the mouth, on the inside of the cheeks, on the mouth lining, on the lips, and on the roof of the mouth may be due to allergic reactions from active chemicals (like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) in your toothpaste. By paying attention to the products you use on your teeth and gums and noting any warning signs, you can easily identify the root causes of oral skin peeling.
Is Skin Inside Mouth Peeling Normal?
Skin peeling inside the mouth or on the inside of the cheeks is usually harmless and often heals on its own within a few days. Common causes include habits like cheek biting, consuming acidic foods and drinks, and eating hot foods. However, it can also result from dental issues like oral thrush.
On the other hand, oral mucosal peeling is often triggered by certain ingredients in products we use in our mouths. Furthermore, skin peeling inside the mouth is also connected to several physiological and skin conditions.
Our oral hygienists and dentists have compiled a list of the most likely causes of peeling skin in your mouth. Keep reading to learn more.
Why Is It Considered a Concern?
The inside of the mouth is covered with a layer called the oral mucosa. This tissue layer acts as a protective barrier, shielding the inner layers from food particles and infections. Also, it serves as an immune barrier by preventing infections from seeding into the oral cavity. This could be the reason of the mouth skin peeling. Without this barrier, food particles and pathogens could enter the bloodstream.
What Causes Skin Peeling Inside Mouth?
1) Autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune disease is a condition in which our body’s immune system attacks our own body. The exact cause of this condition is still unknown. However, it is believed that some microorganisms confuse our natural defense system hence that it cannot distinguish our cells and foreign cells. Around 80 types of autoimmune disorders are identified. Addison disease, Celiac disease are some examples.
Once an autoimmune disease occurs, it shows warnings like inflamed glands, fatigue, skin problems like oral tissue sloughing, and so on.
2) SLS in Toothpaste
SLS – Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is an active ingredient in the toothpaste you use regardless of its brand. It helps hold all ingredients in the toothpaste together and makes the toothpaste foamy. Even though SLS is a safe compound, it irritates the skin inside the mouth at times. Mouth sore sufferers and those who have sensitive skin encounter annoyances like skin inside of their mouth peeling off.
3) Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
Steven-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a rare autoimmune disorder affecting the skin and mucus membranes. When a person has SJS, it shows flu-like symptoms and is followed by a painful rash. Later the skin starts to blister and peel off. The upper body is where SJS typically begins to spread swiftly to the arms, legs, and other body regions.
SJS sufferers encounter more skin peeling off around their faces and tough sloughing inside their mouths.
4) Malnutrition
Needless to say, consistent intake of foods with low nutritional value will weaken your body. It is because your body wouldn’t receive the appropriate level of calories, vitamins, and minerals hence that various chronic diseases will occur.
Likely, your skin health is also compromised by poor diet. Researches show that falling short of Vitamins A, C, B3, B6, B12, minerals, iron and zinc will have detrimental effects on your skin.
In such circumstances, the capacity of tissue healing inside the skin is reduced. You might notice unusual changes in your skin. Oral mucosa peeling is an example.
5) Food Allergies
Despite taking healthy & nutritious foods, certain ingredients will irritate mucosa inside your mouth. Acidic substances are the main culprits to blame. They are powerful to cause rashes, redness, and even skin peeling in the mouth.
Similar to the adverse effects of acidic compounds in foods we intake, our immune system exhibits allergic reactions like oral mucosa peeling after taking certain foods. Avoid including such foods on your diet plan whenever possible.
How to Stop Skin Peeling Inside Mouth?
If your skin peels inside your mouth, it’s important to first identify the exact cause. This aids in proper solution.
You can follow these simple steps to reduce it.
- Drink plenty of water to prevent dryness.
- Limit spicy, acidic, or overly salty foods, and use mild toothpaste.
- Brush and floss gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- Ensure your diet is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially those beneficial for skin health.
Bottom Line
Several factors might cause the skin to peel off in the mouth. It is hard to pinpoint without a dentist’s help. Hence consult your dentist immediately once you notice chronic skin in mouth peeling. Once the irritant is identified, your dentist would prescribe ways to adjust your routine to get rid of oral mucosa peeling.
For instance, SLS-free toothpaste is recommended for those who develop skin peeling in their mouths due to this compound.
Our Lakshme Dental Hospital’s skilled dentists have dealt with skin peeling off in many people’s lips, cheeks, throats, palates, and other oral cavity locations. Get in touch with us to discover more about this dental issue and how to avoid it.