
Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry is all about practicing and maintaining excellent oral hygiene among children.

Why Oral hygiene is necessary for children?

Practicing good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups right from childhood will make your child stay away from any kind of dental problems throughout their life. Toddlers with healthy teeth will be more confident to speak and smile.

What are primary teeth?

Primary teeth are the first set of teeth that normally grew in 6 months and falls off between 24 to 28 months. They are also called milk teeth, temporary teeth. They help the child to chew and grind the food and also helps to talk. Practicing good oral health will prevent the child from gum problems and tooth decay which is most common in teenagers and adults.

When should your child need to pay a visit to a dentist?

In order to maintain a healthy tooth, it is the responsibility of the parents to take their child to the dentist. It will be better to take your child once the primary teeth grow. A pediatric dentist, who is well trained and experienced to take good care of children’s dental health, will suggest some tips and remedies in maintaining good oral hygiene. By this, the child will also won’t be afraid of the dentists in the future.

When should a child need to visit a pediatric dentist?

As soon as the teeth start emerging in the child's mouth, it is recommended to consult a pediatric dentist every six months once.

Baby teeth are not permanent, then why should they have cared?

Baby teeth are responsible for important operations like chewing, speech, and smiling. They are a trial for permanent teeth. If a baby lost its teeth early, it may lead to teeth crowding problems.

What is the correct age that the child can brush their teeth on their own?

The responsibility of taking care of their teeth should start at the age of 7 or 8.

Are there any tips to safeguard my child as he/she is playing sports?

If your child is much interested in sports, it is recommended to wear a custom-fitted mouthguard to protect their mouths.

Why Laskhme Dental ?

Passionate and caring Dental doctors

  • Our dentists are caring and friendly, and they enjoy giving treatment for people of all ages.
  • We discuss with patients and provide the best possible solution for all their queries.
  • Experienced orthodontists to solve all easy and complex orthodontic problems.

Advanced Dental care

  • We have modern technology to provide the best treatment for all dental problems.
  • Treatment in a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

EMI for Patients

Now payments are easier with EMI options for all your dental treatments.

Contact us whenever you want

We provide comfortable appointments according to your needs. Feel free to contact us whenever you want.


  • Healthier mouth throughout their lives
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  • Prevents tooth decay and cavities
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  • Shorter orthodontic treatment duration
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  • Healthy habits
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  • Improved overall health benefits
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