8 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Tongue Blisters
Tongue blisters that appear as open cuts or yellowish sores are painful, debilitating but harmless. Whether it is a single spot or a cluster of sore spots, they cause acute discomforts until they exist. Usually, the tongue blisters settle on their own in 7 to 10 days whereas they would not lessen if they happened due to infections or any problematic conditions.
In those circumstances, you should visit your dentist. Until you visit a dentist, try any of these home remedies to get relief from the terrible pain and burning sensation triggered by the blisters on your tongue.
Natural Remedies to get rid of tongue blisters
Various ingredients in your kitchen are enriched with medicinal compounds to heal wounds. For instance, mouth rinsing with saltwater is a well-known home remedy for various oral discomforts. You might know applying aloe vera gel, consuming dairy products are also helpful in fixing burning sensation in the mouth.
Here are some potential ways to get relief from tongue blisters:
1) Oil Pulling
Oil Pulling is an ayurvedic dental technique to treat various ailments. Many people believe that swishing around the mouth with a few drops of oil every day will prevent diseases of the mouth. To treat tongue blisters or tongue ulcers, 3 oils are prescribed.
- Coconut Oil – This plant-based oil is a natural agent to fight against oral bacteria. It contains natural anti-inflammatory properties and analgesic agents thereby swirling mouth coconut oil would reduce swelling and soothe the pain.
- Clove Essential Oil – Clove and Clove oil are the widely recommended home remedies for various dental problems. Clove contains a compound called eugenol that holds anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties so that they provide you relief from painful oral lesions. Add a few drops of clove oil to a cup of water and rinse your mouth with the mixture for a few minutes.
- Tea Tree Oil – The essential oil prepared from the tea tree leaves is also known as Melaleuca Oil. It carries a compound called “terpinene-4-ol” which is anti-inflammatory and is powerful to cure oral candidiasis. This is the right remedy to cure tongue sores if oral thrush contributes to it. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a cup of water and swirl your mouth with the solutions for about 10 to 15 minutes.
2) Turmeric
Turmeric takes care of medicating the bacterial & fungal infections that instigate mouth ulcers, canker sores. Hence it is a powerful solution to cure blisters on the tongue.
Add 1 teaspoon turmeric and 1 teaspoon honey to a cup of hot milk and stir it well. Consume this drink before going to sleep every night. The tongue blisters settle on their own very soon.
3) Honey
Honey is a good source of antibacterial agents. It contains antioxidants as well thereby this sweet, viscous fluid will protect your body from inflammation. It is well-known for its moisturizing properties and fastening tissue growth. Applying honey on the tongue’s painful lesions will soothe the burning sensation whilst promoting healing.
This remedy will help you to quickly fix cracked or chapped lips which is prevalent during winter seasons.
4) Ghee
Ghee is well-known for its sweet flavor but it has incredible healing properties which are mentioned in Ayurveda. It is a good source of healthy fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins so that it will protect your health more than you think.
To treat sore spots in your mouth, apply a small amount of ghee on the painful lesions.
5) Tulsi Leaves
The medicinal value of tulsi is vivid and due to which it is considered as Queen of herbs. By simply chewing some tulsi leaves 2 – 3 times a day, you can heal the painful blisters on your tongue. It is because of the therapeutic properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, antipyretic, antiseptic compounds the herb holds.
6) Chamomile Tea
Chamomile Tea is a healthy beverage prepared from chamomile flowers. It is enriched with a kind of nutrients called Flavonoids due to which the fluid can address various illnesses including tongue sores.
All you want to do is, prepare a cup of chamomile and allow it to cool. Then rinse your mouth with this fluid twice a day. It provides relief and fastens healing.
7) Dates
Dates are the powerhouse of antioxidants and iron so that they can eliminate free radicals from our bodies. The free radicals are powerful to overwhelm and regulate our body functionalities that will lead to oxidation. It is reflected as various discomforts like soreness in the mouth.
Regular consumption of dates will help you to eliminate such radicals thereby it can cure tongue blisters.
8) Vitamin B Supplements
Vitamin B deficiency is also a factor behind soreness or painful lesions that appear on the cheeks, tongue, palate and other areas of the mouth. It means taking foods that are rich in this vitamin will help you to overcome such painful blisters or soreness in your mouth.
Here are some Vitamin B rich foods that are also helpful in keeping your teeth and gums healthy:
- Almonds
- Leafy greens
- Dairy products
- Eggs
- Beans
- Lentils
- Potato
- Carrot
- Banana
Bottom line
Blisters on the tongue occur regardless of how well you keep your mouth clean. It happens due to various conditions such as mouth ulcers, oral thrush, allergic reactions, skin irritations, bodily disorders, etc. The painful blisters go on their own within a few days or weeks in most cases. If you feel hard to cope up with the painful lesions, the natural solutions we discussed will provide you relief as well as quicken the healing process.