Is Tea Good for Our Teeth?
Tea – The aromatic beverage prepared with the crushed leaves of Camellia Sinensis (tea plant) and boiling water has attained a worldwide liking. Many people love this beverage due to its ability to boost our energy levels. Similarly, tea contains various flavonoids that immensely benefit our health. The chemicals in tea have many positive effects on our oral health also.
You might hear or read from many sources that regular tea consumption will stain your teeth. Yes. Tea causes more stains on teeth due to its tannin content but you can beat the discoloration with healthy oral care habits.
On the positive side, tea is a natural fluoride agent and has antimicrobial qualities that aid in preventing various dental dilemmas.
1) Prevent Cavities
You may know about the health benefits of Green Tea. Similarly, beverages like black tea, white tea, chamomile, and other tea varieties are also rich in polyphenols (antioxidants). It is observed that black tea has ten times of antioxidants available in fruits. On the other hand, the high levels of fluoride present in tea leaves aid in strengthening the enamel. In simply, tea guards your teeth against tooth decay and cavities.
2) Prevent bacterial infections
Tea consumption is known for causing anti-cariogenic effects in the mouth due to fluoride. It is associated with various processes like saliva production, enhancing remineralization, inhibiting the growth of oral microbes, and preventing plaque formation.
Remember that the harmful microorganisms in the mouth are responsible for various oral infectious diseases and problematic conditions like bad breath. Regular tea drinking will kill the microbes in the mouth and prevent their devastating effects.
3) Protect our gums
The polyphenols present in tea are effective to boost the immune system. It is associated with reducing the body’s inflame response to any irritating agents. In simply, tea has inflammation-killing properties which protect our gums from infection as well as the teeth.
Besides periodontal diseases, strengthening the gums and protecting the tissues underneath the gums aid in preventing dental calculus, tooth loss, etc.
Here are the things you should be aware of while drinking tea:
- Tannins – It is a type of chemical compound found in many plant-based foods and drinks. This compound is responsible for providing the beverage its color whilst it is responsible for side effects like teeth discoloration, nausea, etc.
- Sugary ingredients – The sweeteners added in tea can erode the enamel and make you susceptible to cavities.
Tea consumption is one of the dental health promotion and preventive strategies, if we exclude its flip sides like teeth discoloration, promoting cavities with sugar. The beverage is packed with a plethora of organic compounds to strengthen your teeth, gums, and other oral tissues but you should indulge in activities to avert its damaging effects.
We recommend activities like rinse your mouth with a cup of water or mouthwash after taking a cup of tea (or coffee). Similarly, skip the sugar and use honey or other natural sweetening agents to enjoy the oral benefits of tea without compromising its flavor.