Green Tooth: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Green Tooth: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Dr. B. Kanagasabapathy

Dr. B. Kanagasabapathy MDS(Ortho), Fellow ICOI Orthodontist and Implantologist

June 25th, 2024

Green tooth, also known as a dental chromogenic anomaly, is a condition that affects the coloration of teeth, giving them a greenish hue. While not commonly discussed, it can be concerning for those experiencing it. Understanding the reasons, cure options, and preventive measures is vital for maintaining dental health. This blog delves into the details of green tooth, providing comprehensive insights into its causes and signs or symptoms associated with the condition. It will also cover its treatment methods and effective prevention strategies.

What is Green Tooth?

Green tooth, or dental chromogenic anomaly, refers to teeth that appear greenish in colour due to various underlying factors. It can affect individuals of all ages and is characterized by discolouration that ranges from light green to dark shades.

Signs or Symptoms of Green Tooth

Learning the signs or symptoms associated with green tooth can help identify and address the condition early. Here they are:

Discolouration Intensity

  • Teeth appear greenish in colour, varying from light shades to darker hues.
  • The gradual change in tooth colour over time.
  • Discolouration affects specific teeth or tooth surfaces.

Sensitivity to Temperature

  • Enhanced sensitivity to cold or hot foods and beverages.
  • Sharp, fleeting pain in teeth.
  • Discomfort during dental treatments or cleanings.

Texture Changes

  • Changes in tooth texture, such as roughness or pitting.
  • Visible cracks or lines on tooth surfaces.
  • Sensitivity to certain textures or temperatures.

Gum Changes

  • Swollen, tender, or receding gums around affected teeth.
  • Bleeding gums during brushing or flossing.
  • Persistent bad breath.

Systemic Health Issues

  • Association with underlying medical conditions like jaundice or biliverdinemia.
  • Yellowing of the skin or eyes.
  • Fatigue or weakness.

Recognizing these signs or symptoms early can effectively manage green teeth and maintain optimal oral health.

Causes of Green Tooth

Several factors can cause green teeth, each influencing the colouration of teeth differently. Knowing these causes is essential for effective treatment and prevention:

Dietary Factors

  • Consumption of certain foods and beverages, especially those rich in chromogens (colour-producing substances). For example, tea, coffee, red wine, and coloured fruits like berries.
  • High intake of chlorophyll-containing foods, like spinach and kale, which can stain teeth green.

Dental Hygiene Habits

Poor oral hygiene practices, including irregular brushing and flossing, can lead to plaque buildup and surface staining of teeth.

Medical Conditions

Conditions like biliverdinemia, which causes excess biliverdin (a green pigment) in the bloodstream, can lead to greenish discolouration of teeth.

Genetic Factors

Genetic predisposition to tooth discolouration or abnormal enamel development can contribute to green teeth.

Environmental Factors

Exposure to environmental pollutants or chemicals can discolour teeth over time.

Medication Use

Certain medications, such as antibiotics like tetracycline, can cause tooth discolouration if taken during tooth development stages.

Understanding the diverse causes of the green tooth is crucial in managing its discolouration effectively, ensuring optimal dental health and a confident smile.

Treatment Options for Green Tooth

Treating green teeth depends on the severity and underlying cause of discolouration. Here are the treatment options available:

Professional Dental Cleaning

Regular dental cleanings by a dentist or dental hygienist can effectively remove surface stains and plaque buildup, restoring natural tooth colour.

Teeth Whitening Procedures

Professional teeth whitening treatments, either in-office or using at-home kits prescribed by dentists, can lighten and eliminate stains caused by chromogens.

Composite Bonding or Veneers

For more severe discolouration, especially if intrinsic (internal), dental bonding with tooth-coloured composite resin or veneers may be recommended to improve aesthetics.


Microabrasion is a minimally invasive dental procedure. It involves removing a thin layer of enamel to reduce discolouration caused by surface stains. This process is often combined with teeth whitening for enhanced results.

Internal Bleaching

Internal bleaching is used to treat intrinsic discolouration that affects the inner layers of the tooth. A bleaching agent is placed inside the tooth to lighten the colour, typically after a root canal treatment.

Crown Placement

Dental crowns, which are tooth-shaped caps, can be placed over severely discoloured teeth to improve their appearance. Crowns are custom-made to match the colour and shape of natural teeth.

Dietary and Lifestyle Changes

Dentists may recommend dietary adjustments to minimize the staining of foods and beverages that contribute to green teeth. Lifestyle changes can also support treatment outcomes by preventing further discolouration.

Addressing Underlying Medical Conditions

If a green tooth is associated with a medical condition like biliverdinemia, treatment of the underlying condition is essential to manage tooth discolouration.

Exploring these treatment options with a dentist ensures effective management of green teeth, restoring both dental health and confidence in your smile.

Preventive Measures for Green Tooth

Preventing green teeth involves adopting good oral hygiene practices and making lifestyle adjustments to minimize the risk of discolouration:

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Brush teeth at least twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and floss regularly to prevent plaque buildup and surface stains.

Limit Staining Foods and Beverages

Reduce consumption of chromogenic foods and beverages, or rinse mouth with water after consumption to minimize staining.

Quit Smoking

Smoking tobacco can contribute to tooth discolouration. Quitting smoking can prevent green teeth and improve overall oral health.

Use of Straw for Staining Beverages

Drinking stained beverages like tea or coffee through a straw can minimize direct contact with teeth, reducing the chances of discolouration.

Prompt Cleaning After Staining Foods

Immediately rinse or brush teeth after consuming foods known to stain teeth, such as berries or tomato-based sauces. Doing this will prevent prolonged exposure to pigments.

Use of Whitening Toothpaste

Regularly using a whitening toothpaste containing mild abrasives and polishing agents can help remove surface stains and maintain natural tooth colour.

Avoid Excessive Fluoride

Fluoride is beneficial for dental health. However, excessive exposure to water or oral care products can cause dental fluorosis, leading to discolouration. Utilise fluoride products as prescribed by your dentist.

Protect Teeth During Sports

Wear a mouthguard during sports activities to prevent accidental trauma to teeth, which can lead to discolouration and other dental issues.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Schedule routine dental visits for professional cleanings and check-ups to detect early signs of discolouration and address them promptly.

Healthy Dietary Habits

Consume a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support overall dental health.

These preventive measures not only safeguard against discolouration but also promote overall dental health and hygiene.

Summing Up

Knowing the signs, causes, treatment options, and preventive measures for green tooth is essential for maintaining optimal dental health. Adopt good oral hygiene practices, make healthy lifestyle choices, and seek professional dental care when needed. By all these, individuals can effectively manage and prevent green tooth. For those experiencing persistent discolouration or additional symptoms, consulting with a dentist for personalized treatment recommendations is advisable. Taking proactive steps can ensure a bright and healthy smile for years to come.

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