Common Bite Problems That Can Be Corrected with Teeth Braces
Not everyone’s bite is different; many of the people have a unique bite. Some of the people suffer from misalignment in their bite. If lower teeth and upper teeth don’t come together, it results in bad bite or malocclusion.
Different types of bite issues are there, which can be fixed with the help of dental braces. Jaw surgery or tooth extraction may be required as an additional procedure in some cases to ensure a proper bite.
Here are common bite problems that can be treated with the help of orthodontic treatment.
Open bite
When it comes to open bite, we can see two types of open bite.
- Anterior open bite
- Posterior open bite
If the top and bottom teeth unable to overlap properly when the mouth of the patient is closed, then this problem is called an anterior open bite.
If the back teeth don’t touch the front teeth when the lower teeth and upper teeth meet, then this problem is called a posterior open bite.
This problem is generally caused by thumb-sucking habits or excessive usage of pacifiers. Braces can correct this misalignment problem effectively.
In this condition, the upper front teeth lie over lower front teeth or cover part of it. This form of bite wears down the front teeth, mainly the two front teeth. In addition, it causes damage to the gums and results in a gummy smile.
If the front teeth cover most part of the lower teeth, then this problem is said to be deep bites.
Most types of teeth braces along with invisible aligners can correct this problem.
A crossbite may damage one or more teeth and happens if the upper teeth fit on the inside of the lower teeth. This problem occurs due to misaligned bone, teeth, or both. Problems tend to increase over time based on their chewing and biting.
If you find this problem in your child, take them to an orthodontist by the time their age is seven.
This problem occurs when the lower jaw extends more distant outwards than the upper jaw and produces a bulldog appearance. This type of problem produces stress on the jaw joints and causes jaw problems, headaches, and even TMJ disorders if left untreated.
When compared to mild bite orthodontic treatment time, it takes more time to fix this problem. Additionally, the person may require oral and maxillofacial surgery to correct the shape of the jaw if the condition of the bite is severe.
If there is no enough space to emerge teeth in your mouth, crowding occurs. This is one of the most common orthodontics problems that can be corrected through braces.
Poor appearance is not the only problem with crowding, but also it is very difficult to clean your teeth. Improper cleaning of teeth may result in various dental problems in the future.
This problem is just the opposite of crowding, where the gap may create in between the teeth.
If the teeth are not cleaned properly, the food particles may settle in between those gaps and produces cavities and many gum diseases.
For faster results, self-ligating braces are a very good option when compared to traditional braces.
These are some of the bite issues that can be corrected with the help of braces. Try to get treatment as early as possible for faster results.