August 24, 2023
9:41 am
Headgear that hangs over the head or neck is a typical device used in children’s correction. It is effective for improving protruding teeth, esp...
Read MoreAugust 18, 2023
11:18 am
Dentures, partial or complete, are designed to endure and are made from tough materials like acrylic and metal, ensuring longevity. But, mishaps can o...
Read MoreAugust 7, 2023
11:09 am
“Prevention is better than cure.” Doctors always say it, but it’s more true than ever when it comes to dental health because there a...
Read MoreJuly 15, 2023
7:24 am
Fluoride Varnish is a kind of topical fluoride therapy. It is a highly concentrated form of fluoride applied over the teeth surfaces of children to pr...
Read MoreJune 5, 2023
12:23 pm
Do you have broken teeth, gaps between your teeth, or black triangles close to your gum line? There are plenty of traditional treatments like dental b...
Read MoreMay 30, 2023
11:12 am
Air abrasion is the latest evolution of technology in dentistry that is used for various purposes, including removing tooth decay or cavities, tooth p...
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