Why Do Some Adults Have Baby Teeth?
Teeth that erupt in our babyhood are temporary but they are essential for preserving the space for our adult teeth. Typically, the milk teeth begin to appear when a kid is 6 months old and the eruption continues until the age of 3 years. Everyone has 20 baby teeth in their childhood and the primary teeth fall out in various stages once the permanent teeth developing underneath the existing milk teeth.
By age 21, a person would get all 32 permanent teeth. In essence, the 32 adult teeth should replace the 20 baby teeth. On contrary, one or two milk teeth exist in some people even after reaching adulthood. These teeth are termed as retained primary teeth (or) adult baby teeth.
If the adult baby teeth have a healthy crown, roots, and supporting bone, they will not be problematic else the adult will develop various dental problems.
Why do some baby teeth not fall out?
Mostly, the retained baby teeth occur due to the lack of permanent teeth to replace the baby teeth. In the meantime, the developed adult teeth do not erupt so that the milk teeth remain for years.
The most common dental disorders that lead to the development absence of some permanent teeth:
- Hypodontia – One to five adult teeth are missing
- Oligodontia – Six or more permanent teeth are missing
- Anodontia – Most permanent teeth are missing
On the other hand, various factors like genetics, and disorders are linked to this condition. Here are a few:
- Infection or injury in a baby tooth left untreated
- Ectodermal dysplasia – It is a tooth development disorder. People suffering from this condition have several missing and malformed teeth.
- Endocrine disorders – It is a metabolic disorder and makes the sufferer have thinner enamel, delayed eruption, and multiple unerupted teeth.
- Ankylosis – This is a problematic condition and involves abnormal adhesion of the bones. The teeth of people suffering from this disorder fused to the bone, preventing eruption.
What are the possible problems in adults with baby teeth?
As mentioned earlier, a retained deciduous tooth with a healthy crown and roots does not provoke any oral problems. Otherwise, the adult baby teeth will affect the permanent teeth functionally, structurally, and aesthetically. The problem also varies depending on the existing incisor or molar teeth.
- Teeth Misalignment – A misaligned adult baby tooth will make the permanent teeth crooked or crowded, space between teeth, and occlusal trauma for which orthodontic treatment is necessary.
- When a permanent tooth does not accommodate sufficient room in the front of our mouth as a milk tooth exists in the place, it will be not aesthetically pleasing.
What are the solutions available to treat adult baby teeth?
If a retained baby tooth is well-aligned, maintains healthy bone structures, and does not bother you, you don’t have to worry about it. A minor shaping is necessary to prevent infraocclusion.
Dentists recommend surgical extraction, orthodontic treatment based on the discomfort that occurred with the existing milk teeth. Extracting the retained baby teeth is mandatory for orthodontic treatments at times when the crowding is severe.
Want to know more about this problem and treatments? Contact our dentists in Tirunelveli. We are ready to help.